
Available for groups of parents and teachers of multilingual children, as well…

Topic: characteristics of multilingual children in terms of language teaching and learning.
Duration: 80-90 minutes
Target group: parents, teachers, trainers

Theoretical questions to be answered:

  • How can I help my child or student to keep his/her mother tongue while learning other languages?
  • Does multilingual competence develop automatically when I know several languages?

Practical questions to answer:

  • What should I do if my child (pupil) uses words from different languages in a single sentence?
  • What should I do if my child’s (pupil’s) conversational competence is much higher than his/her literacy competence?
  • What should I do if I can only explain the homework in another language?

Theme: tasks and methods to strengthen literacy adapted to the specific needs of multilingual children.
Duration: 80-90 minutes
Target group: primary and secondary school teachers, parents

Theoretical questions to answer:

  • How can I get my student to write at a higher level in the language I am teaching?
  • Is language preparation enough to improve writing skills?

Practical questions to answer:

  • What should I do if my student makes too many spelling mistakes?
  • What should I do if his vocabulary is not sufficient to write a good essay?
  • What should I do to help him write better using his intercultural competence?

Topic: avoiding misunderstandings caused by cultural differences in the classroom and in communication between parents and teachers.
Duration: 80-90 minutes
Target group: primary and secondary school teachers, parents

Theoretical questions to answer:

  • How come some students wait patiently to speak, while others constantly interrupt others?
  • Why is it easier to work in groups with some children than with others?

Practical questions to answer:

  • What should I do if my student takes my instructions lightly and does the task as he or she pleases?
  • What should I do if I don’t really understand my student’s behaviour or that of his parents.
  • What should I do if my educational principles are radically different from those of the child’s parents?