Before their first words

“Why should I take another cake when I already know how it tastes?” – one mother living in Belgium told me her mother-in-law had asked her. She must have found this argument surprising to remember it so clearly. Of course, you could also ask why we shouldn’t have the same cake twice, because we already…

Multilingual children and whiz kids

Some believe that multilingual children are whiz kids, although this can be said for only a small number of them. This is because most do not receive their link with languages ​​as an innate gift, but instead as the result of the decisions of their parents or other external circumstances. However, this does not mean…

Multilingual Siblings

In my last workshop, a French father who lives in Spain told me that the silent phase lasted 4 years for his first child. He spoke to his son in French, but his son never spoke a word of French back; if he did reply, it was always in Spanish. Then, on his return from…